Personal blog about learning and discovering new things every day!

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They are infusions made from the flowers of a plant that “imprint” the water with their unique vibrational patterns.
Flower essences are much less expensive than meds—but they can help along with meds and won’t interfere with them. They can stand alone or be used alongside counseling as an extra boost. Give your recovery a chance and hit it from every angle!
Bach flower essences are well known—they can be found in various natural stores. He came up with 38 flower essences in the early 1900s. Dr. Edward Bach rejected traditional medicine and studied how someone’s mental and emotional state are what actually influenced their health. The essences I use are not Bach's specifically, although I use a few of the same flowers.
Flower essences can improve wellbeing by correcting emotional imbalances that contribute to poor health. Emotional imbalances also have vibrational frequencies. Flower essences aid in shifting emotional states to ones that are more positive. For example, an individual experiencing a great deal of anxiety might choose an essence that helps bring a sense of calm and peace.
They’re subtle. You might notice right away that you feel calmer, or perhaps you begin to have memorable dreams. It might take 2-3 weeks to notice that patterns are shifting in your behavior—maybe you’re not feeling as stuck in certain areas. As you’re delivered from lower vibration frequencies, you’ll naturally begin to feel lighter and more joyful. Even your decision making process could improve!
Flower essences can help to eliminate negative emotions, self-limiting beliefs, and aid in healing old wounds.
Unlike essential oils or herbal remedies, no part of the flower is present in the bottle. They won’t interfere with medications and are also safe for children and pets!
Flower essences have no scent. They are made using a preservative of brandy, so the bottle is half spring water and half brandy, with 4 drops of the essence added; only 4 drops of that mixture are taken at a time. The taste of brandy is minimal and not detected by most people. (However, they can also be made with 100% apple cider vinegar—that will have a taste.)
To understand how flower essences work, we need to understand vibrations and frequencies.
Everything is made up of molecules that vibrate at different speeds—bodies, thoughts, emotions, and even trees, animals, and flowers, etc.
Higher vibrations in the body correspond to lighter, happier thoughts and emotions, such as joy, enthusiasm, and contentment. Lower vibrations are associated with dark, heavy, confusing emotions, such as anger, anxiety, and depression. If two frequencies interact, they will eventually both go to the higher one.
They’re subtle. You might notice right away that you feel calmer, or perhaps you begin to have memorable dreams. It might take 2-3 weeks to notice that patterns are shifting in your behavior—maybe you’re not feeling as stuck in certain areas. As you’re delivered from lower vibration frequencies, you’ll naturally begin to feel lighter and more joyful. Even your decision making process could improve!
Flower essences have been known to eliminate negative emotions, self-limiting beliefs, and aid in healing old wounds. As the mind is healed, the body follows. Flower essences are frequencies and so are emotions.
Make a list of some bad decisions you’ve made in the past. Think about the decision making process for each one and you’ll likely discover a negative feeling that is a common theme…depression, anxiety, feelings of unworthiness, abandonment, grief, etc. I have a questionnaire to help us with this process.
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